

♐DEPTH is a series of videos uploaded to the twitter account. The videos were initially uploaded between June 16 and July 14, 2016. Additional videos began to be posted on November 14, 2016, and the twitter account stopped posting at ♐DEPTH 30000 on November 22nd.

(a concatenation of twitter videos in this series — not including the November tweets)

Description of videos

The videos in this series are two seconds long, with rapidly-changing frames of a single color and the Unknown Voice making a series of sounds that are not the customary letters and numbers. Pieces of the Handshake appear occasionally (example)

This series is well-preserved, and all of the videos have been scraped. Several composites have been made of the videos.


DEPTH composite.png

(♐DEPTH composite — not including the November tweets)

Main composite: http://tomasf.se/projects/semi/DEPTH_composite.png

Alternate composite: http://tomasf.se/projects/semi/DEPTH_composite_alt.png

Flipped composite: http://tomasf.se/projects/semi/DEPTH_composite_flipped.png

3d Composite


Relationship with ♐HARVEST

The image in the DEPTH composite is visually similar to the top half of the ♐HARVEST composite image. So far, no systemic investigation has been made to determine whether they are exactly similar. Likewise, it is otherwise unclear why or how the two series are related.

HARVEST composite.png

♐HARVEST composite by thomasf

Sound analysis

The ♐DEPTH videos contains sounds that seem to be audio from other videos chopped into smaller slices. (It has been theorized that includes the audio from ♐CREM and ♐ZUFCHO amongst others.)

Initial analysis has indicated there are 100 discrete sounds used across the series, but there is still work to be done finding the significance of that, such as finding whether that comprises a codeset or if the pieces can be arranged into a single continuous message.

An (incomplete) archive of the ♐DEPTH audio can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q9ah64v8rszhz3t/DEPTH_Audio.7z?dl=0

Advanced twitter search of ♐DEPTH series: https://twitter.com/search?q=%E2%99%90DEPTH%20from%3Aunfavorablesemi&src=typd