
Contributing to the wiki

A step-by-step guide for dummies by @tukkek

Requirements: a web browser.

  1. If you don’t already have one, create a Github account.
  2. Login to your new or existing account.
  3. Clone the wiki repository with the Fork button.
  4. Now you have your own personal copy to work on, something like https://github.com/USERNAME/Unfavorable-Semicircle-Wiki/.
  5. In your own copy, enter the docs directory.
  6. The wiki pages in this folder are written in Markdown, which you may want to read up on.
  7. You can edit individual pages by clicking the files and then the Edit button (the pencil icon in the top right corner).
  8. Edit the page’s Markdown manually or copy-paste the file to an online Markdown editor (such as this or this).
  9. Once you’re done, save the page by adding a “commit message” (short description of your changes to this file) and pressing Commit changes
    • do not choose to create a new branch unless you’re familiar with git workflow.
  10. Once you have edited one or more files and are ready to share the changes, go back to your repository’s main page (see step #4), hit Contribute and then Open pull request.
  11. On the next page, hit Create pull request, add a title (and optionally a longer description) then click Create pull request again to finish the process.
  12. @Heraclitus Akimbo will review, apply and upload the changes, you may consider leaving a courtesy ping on Discord too as a heads-up.
  13. If you plan to contribute further changes in the future, make sure to synchronize your own version of the wiki with the latest changes from other users before doing any further work of your own:
    • In your own copy, hit Fetch upstream and then Fetch and merge.

If you have any questions post them on the Discord’s #skill-share channel.

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